Monday, March 10, 2008

Finally, time to post

Ok so I got told yesterday that I needed to update, so here goes. A lot has happened since we last blogged even though it has only been like a week. We got a new computer last week which was very needed (and wanted). We have been using our in-laws computer for the last 9 months. That is hard though for two students. Especially when I used to work til nine, cause I would be over til all hours of the night. The computer is a 20 in mac (apple) and I love it. However with Tims current school situation and it taking priority over me blogging and searching Itunes, I have only used it a few times.
I taught R.S last sunday. Believe it or not, I actually like to teach. It was so fun and the ladies really responded to the lesson. That is hard to do because normally nobody talks is our R.S. I taught on the example that Christ sets in kindness. It was a really fun topic. I asked a few of the ladies in the ward to give me an example when sombody was a good samaritan to them. I really learned a lot from everyone and it was good to hear them all talk. Then in Sacrament Meeting the R.S presidency was released (except for me, assistant secretary). Nancy(mother-in-law) was called as the R.S president, Shauna Olsen 1st counselor, Jane Gottshall 2nd counselor, and Carol Theurer Secretary. It will be awesome. I will definetly miss the old presidency but it is fun to get some new blood in R.S.
On Saturday I got really crafty and following in the footsteps of Melissa, I went to the DI. I know what your thinking "what crafty things are you going to find at the DI" but it was actually super fun. I found these way cute glass pasta containers that were square and about a foot high. I then got the cutest fake tulips and fake grass and made the cutes flower arrangements. Well, atleast I think so. I actually made three of them but one was a larger container. I gave one to Krista, because they are moving and I thought she could use it as a house warming gift. And the other one I gave to a cute couple in our ward whom Tim and I want to be our friends. Thier names are John and Allison Love and they are so nice. So I wrote a card that said
Your cordially invited to be our friends
WHEN: Starting now
HOW COME: We really need some friends
PLEASE RSVP: Then I left me and Tims phone numbers
We then proceeded to doorbell ditch them. It was so funny. They have like 50 stairs up to there house (more like 15) and I was totally wearing my crocs. I walk up to the house and the sensor light turned on. So I was like "Crap, need to hurry, need to hurry" I ran up the steps, then they turn and I ran up the rest. I knocked really quick and tried to run back to the car but again I was wearing my crocs so I almost died. I could not stop laughing. They talked to me on sunday and I was so embarassed, first for door bell ditching them ( I swear I am not in Jr. High anymore). Then for almost dying on there driveway. I guarantee they saw me. They were really nice though and I hope they call us. If you made it all the way to the bottom of this post I am really proud of you for not falling asleep. I will post some pictures of the flower arrangements I made later.


Jordan, Aubrey, Kaden, and Toby said...

You are seriously the cutest person ever! You have the best ideas. I was just bored at home and I decided to look at your blog page because you are the coolest! I miss you tons girly and we need to hang out again. We can do it at my parents house this time since we are totally moving in with them at the end of the month. Long story. Call me if you have nothing to do. Miss you tons!!! Aubrey

Ann said...

Hi Nikki,

Thanks for commenting on my was a nice surprise! It was fun to read about what you're doing. You're in the RS presidency? You teach RS? are OLD!!!!

New computers are always fun.....I love my MAC!

PS. I did think of you when I read Melissa's ditzy post on Rachelle...I was thinking...yup, two peas in a pod ;) (JK)

Melissa and Allen said...

HI HI HI friend! I saw the vase thing with the flowers at Krista's house. Super cute! You are so crafty. I love what you did to your neighbors. That is the funniest thing ever! Let's hang out, k?

Jordan, Aubrey, Kaden, and Toby said...

tim, did you catch the everton game this afternoon. 3/12? I enjoyed watching it. Unfortunately I missed both DC United and Houston's game this evening. Owell. Anxiously waiting for the 24th.

bribets said...

Update! Update!