Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pet Peeves

So I was reading on a fellow bloggers blog and she blogged about her pet peeves. I thought that would be a fun tag so I am going to start it! Just put your top ten pet peeves and why they peeve you off so badly.

1. When my husband takes his socks off and they are all balled up. I hate this because then you wash and dry them like that. They never get fully dry because they are all balled up!
2. Red arrows on left hand turns. I can't stand when there is one because instead of yielding to oncoming traffic and eventually getting to go, you have to sit and wait when you know you could make it across the intersection. 
3. Washing my hands and having no lotion to put on after. You know when your at school or another public place and you do not have lotion with you. I don't know why this is such a bad one for me. I think it might be a little OCD about it. 
4. When people talk about other people behind their backs. This one is not always a pet peeve as I do it sometimes as well, but it is when you don't agree with what they are saying about the person so it is really awkward. 
5. When you are at a restaurant and people butt you in the soda line. This is especially bad at cafe rio. Do they just not see you waiting there!
6. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY LAUNDRY!! I absolutely hate doing laundry. I don't know why. I just simply do. I would pay someone to do my laundry. I would clean a 100 bathrooms in one day if I did not have to do laundry
7. When people come in my lane while driving. I think this one is bad for my because my car is hard to see, but they don't just cut me off (which I can stand) but they come directly in my lane while on the side of them. So the only thing I can do is move into another lane or let them side-swipe me. 
8. When I vacuum up bobby pins. This one is my fault. I don't how they get on the floor but I hate when I vacuum them up because it is so loud and it scares me half to death. 
9. When I have headphones on and people walk up on me. This scares me so bad. For instance: I am folding clothes and someone walks up on me and touches me or talks really loud so I can hear them. I hate this. 
10. When I have headphones on and people try to talk to you. Like they think you can hear them or something. They are not just in my ears, hangin out. Obviously I am listening to something. It would be fine if they came up to you and made a motion that they want to talk to you or something like that. But they just start into their conversation. "what did you say, sorry I had headphones on in case you did not notice" haha 

Ok so now it is everyone else's turn. I tag anyone who reads this to do one on their blog.  BETSY, MELISSA, NICOLE, KRISTA, MOM, I know you all are reading this STEPH, JACCI come on girls. I think it is so interesting to find out what peeves people off. 

Friday, April 11, 2008


So I am sorry I have not blogged in a long time! I really just dont have a ton to blog about. Tim and I, this last weekend, put money down on some condo's being built in West Jordan. They are so cute. They won't be built til December but that means we will be the first owner. They are 1,200 sq. feet and totally affordable. It is really close to my work which will save on gas for me. Tim is another story because who knows what he will doing by Then. He graduates in December though which will be soooo nice! He is so busy lately because he has so much home work. He is constantly working on something. I live in the same house as him yet I miss him. I just can't wait for him to come home from work and we can do anything we want, instead of being tied to the house. I don't think I will ever graduate! I have been going to school for over two years now and I feel like I havn't gone anywhere. I have changed my major 4 times now, which might be the reason why. I know for sure what I am going to do now though. I am going to graduate in Communications, just so I have a degree, and then I am going to be a florist. I know for sure that is what I want. I might start with just wedding's and eventually have my own flower shop. I love to do arrangements and it would be a dream come true if I was able to work with flowers for a living. Plus if I am self employed then my schedule can be flexable if I have kids. I am loving that the flowers are popping up lately because I love to work with spring flowers. Here are some I my more recent arrangements!