Wednesday, February 6, 2008


This last week Tim and I were able to go to the viewing of prophet Gordon B. Hinckley. It was an amazing experience and it was fun to be there with people how all had a love and respect for him. We got there around 5:30 PM and parked at the Wells Fargo Building. We got the the conference center and it was packed. It seemed that everyone had the same idea to go down on the last day. There were probably 4 different lines, entering at different areas of the center. Each line wrapped it way around the center is some fashion. Tim and I jumped in the first line that we found an end too. It was around 45 to 50 degrees when we got there but when the sun went down it got down to about 20. Most people were dressed in their sunday best with their coats, hats, gloves, and scarfs on. I wore a skirt but did not have tights on with it. I seriously thought my legs were going to get frost bite and fall off. Needless to say I took a few trips over to the visitors center to regain feeling in my feet while Tim held our place in line. I met a lady over at the Visitors Center who was likely in her early mid 60's and she was so happy to be there. She said what everyone else was thinking, "he has done so much for us, we can do this for him". At one point my parents came by after eating pizza at Litzas and shared some pizza with us and a little boy in line that "LOVES PIZZA." It was really nice of them to come down. We finally got inside the Conference Center around 8:30, so we were outside for three hours. After getting inside they ushered us to the auditorium and we waited there for two hours. While inside we met the cutest little boy named Jackson. He was behind us in his seat and he was 15 months old, so stinkin cute. he wandered over to Tim and I and played with us for a while. After being inside for two hours we were put in line to the go the room of the prophets. While on the escalator up to the room the spirit was so strong. Everything changed the closer we got to the room. As we approached there were ushers and security guards and they all were very still and reverent. Even the kids around us seemed to know the importance of where they were and who was there. There were probably 30 security guards on the inside of that small room. The spirit was so strong and it was so amazing to be there. I am so glad that I was able to experience that for the prophet.
I am so thankful for a latter day prophet. I was only 8 years old when President Hinckley was called to be the prophet so I guess all those years he just felt like my prophet since he was really the only one I remember. I have total faith though in President Monson now that he is the Prophet and I am thankful for the confirmation I recieved that the mantle has been passed. What an amazing church we have. One more thing that I thought was interesting, epecially during this time of political debate for a new President of the US. We put total and complete faith in the selecting of a new prophet even though we have no input and say in who it is and yet when we are granted the right to vote for a President we are always questioning he/she in there views and opinions- The Lords way- versus - The worlds way I guess!


JESS said...

Nikki has expressed the way she felt that day of President Hinckley's viewing to myself, and her spirit radiates where ever she is at. She has an amazing love for the gospel, and shows it by the way she lives every day. I'm lucky to have a friend with such a desire to serve her father in heaven. - JESS

bribets said...

Yea! I'm so glad you guys are blogging. To add the music, click on my playlist at the bottom of my blog and it should take you the website. From there it will give you instructions on how to do it. If you need help, let me know. Happy Blogging!